Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 05.30pm
Sapsol Technologies Inc.Sapsol Technologies Inc.Sapsol Technologies Inc.
SAPSOL Technologies Inc.Systems and Process Solutions for your Enterprise
343 800 0733
2040 Martin Avenue Santa Clara , CA - 95050
5865 McLaughlin Rd Mississauga , ON - L5R 1B8

Financial Services

Financial Services

Our Financial Services Portfolio offerings :

Many niche disruptive innovators are changing the  marketplace and eroding the previously rock solid positions of many incumbent institutions which are changing the face of financial services through digital transformation.

The years ahead are likely to defy the notion of a clear separation between winners and losers. We’re seeing evidence of a great appetite for collaboration between these supposedly sworn enemies – an appetite that could soon expand much further using integrated technology driven financial services model. SAPSOL provides   financial services clients following strategic offerings to help them embrace the next generation consumers:

  • We  evaluates technical offerings to raise  customer expectations for digital experiences, posing a new challenge for traditional method of offering services.
  • SAPSOL evaluates new offering and innovative solution to a particular area of inefficiency which typically are niche areas within the overall sector but are key business drivers for managing customer touch points. Many  clients  have  gained market share from established rivals not by offering end-to-end alternatives but by helping consumers overcome particular obstacles through use of innovative technology solutions
  • SAPSOL evaluates  constant connectivity, automation, disintermediation and new data sources and  swiftly resolve customer pain points

Some of the key areas where we specialize in helping clients ramp up and meet  continuously meeting the services delivery model are :

  1. Payments  : SAPSOL valuates and recommend methods of  offering Cashless World and Non-traditional Payment schemes with  altogether simpler, faster and more efficient process, in which payment and settlement happen simultaneously within a closed system that is highly transparent to both sender and receiver.
  2. Fraud Evaluation and Mitigation  : We help evaluate and recommend improvements to the traditional   complex   financial process relied upon that makes the  whole system potentially vulnerable to fraud.
  3. Insurance Process Improvement and Automation :
    1. Improve Customer Retention : With insurers’ ownership of customer relationship further disaggregated and personal lines products further commoditized, customers will become more fickle and creating customer loyalty will become increasingly difficult. We help here by improving customer retention process and loyalty management .
    2. Identify Alternative Revenue streams: The  insurance industry will be reduced as the agents of the commoditizing forces (e.g., self-driving car manufacturers, sharing economy platforms) gain scale and begin to self-insure. We help identify and automate opportunities for customer acquisition in the new world.
    3. Benchmark and improve peer ratings : We help identify competing pricing models and strategies and improve current models through use of innovative technology and process as customers gain visibility into prices from multiple insurers via digital distribution platforms.
  4. Create new User Experience through digital disruption : We help financial institutions to respond to new customer needs and wants by creating customer-driven virtual experiences to a radically change in the role of account provider by creating new digital customer experiences taking control of customer relationships.
  5. Define and implement new lending platforms or transform the current platform : We offer P2P, alternative adjudication and automated processes based lending alternatives which are completely self service with backend secured controls.
  6. Investment offering evaluation and delivery models: Evaluate and improve efficiencies by automation are lower operating costs, online and mobile channels to offer customers information on demand and social trading to enable prospects and clients to gain insights areas of crowd wisdom
  7. Improve participation in customer collaborative platforms : Evaluate algorthims and business intelligence for smart trading and implement potential new technology solutions like and improve speed in gathering, analyzing and acting on data.

While there are number of   innovative offerings that we can propose we recommend  process and technology evaluation to meet each individual client needs or implement existing strategy already in place which needs improvement.

Please contact us at to setup next steps

Call to ask any question
USA: 343 800 0733
CA : 905 507 8200

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